
alone with God _ 09/19 Psalms 104:10-23

get further understanding about God:

  • God is my provider. 
  • God is the water of my soul. 
  • God is my blessings.


  • I will know what to do and how to do through my wisdom God. 


  • God will lead my life better than I.


  • O Lord, please forgive me that I went to bed too late. 
  • I should know the time to set as sun does. 

good examples:

  • Learn to be a provider as our Father in Heaven.
  • To be a person who gives others blessings as our Father in Heaven. 
  • To make everything done in order as our Father in Heaven did.

listen to God's voice and commands:

  • My child, I know what and how to renew you life. What you need to do is only to trust in me. 
  • If I can provide water for the wild animals, why not I cannot provide what you need.
  • If I can provide the birds their nests, why not I cannot do for you.
  • If I can sent rain from the sky on the hills, why not I cannot sent someone you to help you. 
  • You are my lovely child, and if I can make grass for the cattle, then what you say about me to do for my child, you.

You make springs flow in the valleys, and rivers run between the hills.
They provide water for the wild animals; there the wild donkeys quench their thirst.
In the trees near by, the birds make their nests and sing.
From the sky you send rain on the hills, and the earth is filled with your blessings.
You make grass grow for the cattle and plants for us to use, so that we can grow our crops and produce wine to make us happy, olive oil to make us cheerful, and bread to give us strength.
The cedars of Lebanon get plenty of rain - the Lord's own trees, which he planted.
There the birds build their nests; the storks nest in the fir trees.
The wild goats live in the high mountains, and the rock badgers hide in the cliffs.
You created the moon to mark the month; the sun knows the time to set.
You made the night, and in the darkness all the wild animals come out.
The young lions roar while they hunt, looking for the food that God provides.
When the sun rises, they go back and lie down in their dens.
Then people go out to do their work and keep working until evening.