
It is Finished

When Jesus hung on the cross some 2,000 years ago, He cried out with a loud voice, "It is finished!" Everything that you and I require to reign in life was accomplished at Calvary on our behalf. That's why we call what Jesus did on the cross His "finished work"! He finished it. He completed it. It is Done! The only thing that works is the finished work! Stop doing what's already Done! Stop doing and start receiving what Jesus has Done!

We have been taught to focus on achieving, on doing and on relying on our self-efforts. We are driven to "do, do, do", forgetting that Christianity is actually "done, done, done". The world tells you that the more you do, the harder you work, and the more hours you put in, the more success you will achieve. The world's way is to nag you to work harder, to forget about attending church on Sundays, to spend less time with your wife and kids, and to spend more time in the office working through the nights, weekends and holidays.